Solmuja ja Silmukoita / Knots And Bends, solo exhibition in Gallery Aarni, Espoo, 2019
Solmuja ja Silmukoita / Knots And Bends, solo exhibition in Gallery Aarni, 2019, Espoo (photographer Antti Minkkinen)
Viritelmiä Ilmassa / Systems in the Air, oil, acrylic and pencil crayon on canvas, 150 x 160 cm, 2019
Sähköä / Electricity, oil and acrylic on canvas, 142 x 179 cm, 2019
Koukeroita Päivänvalossa / Squiggles in Daylight, oil, acrylic and pencil crayon on canvas, 174 x 107 cm, 2019
Umpisolmuja / Overhand Knots, oil, acrylic and pencil crayon on canvas, 174 x 143 cm, 2019
Rullia / Rolls, oil and acrylic on canvas, 168 x 144 cm, 2019
Hyrskynmyrsky / Mishmash, oil, acrylic and pencil on canvas, 141 x 141 cm, 2019
Kaupunkitaivas / City Sky, oil and acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm, 2019
Kaupunki-ilma/ City air, oil and acrylic on canvas, 60 x 100 cm, 2018
Sinne tänne / Here and there, oil and acrylic on canvas, 175 x 106 cm, 2018
Vauhtivirtaus / Speedy, oil and acrylic on canvas, 170 x 136 cm, 2018
Pyörällä / Whirl, oil and acrylic on canvas, 148 x 200 cm, 2018
Koukerokasa / Pile of squiggles, oil and acrylic on canvas, 157 x 157 cm, 2018
Tolppa / Pillar, oil and acrylic on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2018